The World of Faerun : Lore and Legends - Campaign Map (Digital File)

LL FAERUN Campaign Map Blando WotC Sample.jpg
Sample 1 Revised.jpg
Sample 2 Revised.jpg
Sample 3 Revised A.jpg
Sample 3 Revised.jpg
Sample 4 Revised.jpg
Sample 5 Revised.jpg
LL FAERUN Campaign Map Blando WotC Sample.jpg
Sample 1 Revised.jpg
Sample 2 Revised.jpg
Sample 3 Revised A.jpg
Sample 3 Revised.jpg
Sample 4 Revised.jpg
Sample 5 Revised.jpg

The World of Faerun : Lore and Legends - Campaign Map (Digital File)


Welcome to world of Faerun! This massive map was illustrated by myself for the Lore & Legends Special Edition box set by Ten Speed press. Originally only available with a purchase of the SE, its now available to the general public. In order to sell it to the public, I had to “meaningfully change it from the Special Edition map” thus obeying my original contract with Ten Speed Press.

In this digital version of my initial map of Faerun, and as explained above, I have replaced the original icons with new ones, and included hundreds of new locations and major cities in the world. This file can be easily incorporated into your favorite VTTs for easy use, and the multiple versions will allow you to have your PCs explore at their leisure without giving things away!

Whether this map is on the table, the wall, or in your online game, the lands of Faerun are open for you to explore!

You receive THREE files; All are 6727 x 4500 Pixels and 22.423” x 15” 300dpi Jpegs.

  • Full Version (All labels)

  • Explorers Map Version (No Locations, only Regions, Seas, and Mountains labeled.

  • No Tags Version (No Tags included)

Artwork Copyright Jared Blando, Faerun and everything in it is copyright of Wizards of the Coast.

Files are for personal use ONLY.

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